Useful resources
Two-decades of world-leading regenerative design have led to some incredible outcomes for Regenesis Group. Check out their projects and videos.
Sediment and muddy run-off from poor developments and farming practice are wreaking havoc with our streams and estuaries. Check out this eye-opening footage from environmentalist Geoff Reid.
Ten more years to restore the planet! The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a global rallying cry to heal our planet. What will you restore? Follow the global movement
As an architect and mayor, Jaime Lerner led the movement that transformed Curitiba into an environmentally friendly ‘laboratory for urban planning’. The secret? ‘We had to work fast to avoid our own bureaucracy’ is a laboratory for the landscape of the Ruhr Metropolis in Germany. A think-tank and a format for creative and open exchange and for the development of sustainable solutions for the urban metropolitan area – and a platform for actors and designers of this landscape. Check out their ideas using AR and film to bring urban landscapes to life.
R. Buckminster Fuller was a renowned 20th century inventor and visionary. Born in 1895 he dedicated his life to making the world work for all of humanity, Fuller worked as a ‘comprehensive anticipatory design scientist’ to solve global problems surrounding housing, shelter, transportation, education, energy, ecological destruction, and poverty. The website dedicated to his work is full of inspiration.
RetroSuburbia shows how Australian suburbs can be transformed to become productive and resilient in an energy descent future. It focuses on what can be done by an individual at the household level (rather than community or government levels). Download the book or check out their case studies!
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget giving real power over real money. Starting in 1989 in Brazil, PB has spread to over 7,000 cities and has been used to decide budgets from states, counties, cities, housing authorities, schools, and other institutions. The New York Times calls PB “revolutionary civics in action”.
Cities that Function Like Forests: Biomimicry Maps a Sustainable Future – a keynote address by Janine Benyus. A visionary who brings together science and nature.